Execution And Control

Execution and controls

Excellence in execution is being able to consistently and successfully execute on each of your strategic objectives and initiatives.

A key pillar in strategic excellence because without execution everything else does not matter.

Common problems that companies experience when execution is a problem:

The strategic plan is created. Weeks are spent by the executive team to carefully craft the strategic plans.  But after the plan is created only the team that created it knows about it.

Follow up with the plan.  Between planning cycles, the objectives and goals that were so carefully put together get lost in the day to day blur of what must get done.

No feedback or check in on the health of each objective and the overall health of the plan.

Goals and objectives are created. No one knows about them or cares. Communication of how efforts will affect the outcome of the goals is non-existent.

The people that must accomplish the specific tasks that result in reaching the goals have no understanding of how their efforts positively or negatively affect the progress towards the goal.

Manage the plan.  There is no process in place to manage the plan, to measure the progress or align personnel responsible for the execution.

When progress is faltering adjustments come too late or not at all.

Strategic planning is the main factor in sustained success, but executing on that strategy is what makes it real.  

Execution is more challenging because it is the result of thousands of decisions that are made on a daily basis by employees.

If these decisions are not aligned with the strategic plan’s goals and objectives they will be aligned with each employee’s own self-interest.

How Davanti improves strategic execution?

  • We develop an effective realistic strategic execution plan
  • Get leaders top-to-bottom visibility into their plans and operations and coordinate their entire organization around shared strategic planning objectives.
  • Provide the tools to analyze organizational structure for strategic alignment.
  • We can provide proven plans and programs to develop employee engagement models to ensure employees understand, can and want to execute on their part of the plan.
  • Provide tools to visualize goals, objectives, lines of communication and responsibility.
  • Create real-time insight to make confident, informed decisions, collaborate and course-correct when necessary, and achieve unparalleled results.

General steps that will be followed to reach execution excellence.

Step 1 Ownership

Start with leadership teams to determine leadership styles, and effectiveness.   Work with the teams to ensure understanding of the strategic plan and what each team’s part is in the accomplishment of the plan.

Step II Execution Alignment

Ensure leadership is aligned with the plan and each key area has executive sponsorship and responsibility.

Review all goals and objectives for alignment.

Step III.Control

The creation of a dynamic and focused measurement process for tracking the progress of each objective in the strategic plan, i.e., balanced scorecard.

The development of a process to monitor and control needed changes to the plan to maximize the ability to respond to changes in the market.